
Exploring Causes of Neurodegenerative Conditions with New Imaging Techniques 

August 2024

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MSD has embarked on a new collaboration with the Rosalind Franklin Institute (the Franklin) to investigate the causes of neurodegenerative conditions, like Parkinson’s Disease, using advanced imaging techniques. 

At MSD we are dedicated to advancing our understanding of disease processes through partnerships. The Franklin develops new technologies to support life sciences and healthcare research, funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research council, part of UK Research and Innovation.  

This collaboration aims to uncover how malfunctioning of cell regulation processes are implicated in neurodegenerative conditions. By combining MSD’s expertise in drug discovery capabilities with Franklin’s Cryogenic tomography (CryoET) capabilities, we aim to increase the throughput of cellular samples and improve image resolution.  

CryoET is a technique that scans the inside of cells to create detailed 3D images at the nanometre scale. This aims to advance our understanding of disease processes, which could have diagnostic benefits for both patients and our healthcare system.  

Dr Sandra B. Gabelli, Executive Director and Head of Protein and Structural Chemistry at MSD Research Laboratories, explains that “Until now, structure-based drug design has relied on studying targets purified and removed from the cellular context. With cryoET, we want to explore the next frontier of drug discovery by visualising the drug targets in their native cellular context.”  

The Franklin team have been developing this technology so it can be applied to visualise larger samples, such as whole cells or tissues of interest. This work has been carried out in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific and is funded by Wellcome.  

Dr Michael Grange, Group leader in Tomography at the Franklin emphasises the importance of collaborating with industry partners: “We are very excited that MSD is keen to be part of our journey. One of our core values is utility – we want to develop technologies that people want to use to achieve their own research goals, both academics and industry partners.” 

CryoET is a relatively new technique with considerable barriers to entry. In efforts to expand its uses, this collaboration presents a valuable opportunity to combine Franklin’s technological advancements with MSD’s research expertise. Together, we aspire to gain deeper insights into cell regulation and associated conditions at the cellular level, paving the way for innovative approaches to tackle neurodegenerative diseases. 

Dr Darren McKerrecher, Executive Director and Head of London Discovery Chemistry at MSD Research Laboratories, said: 

“Enhanced cellular visualisation has the potential to enable a better understanding of underlying cell biology and help inform the pursuit of novel therapeutic mechanisms. We look forward to collaborating with the Rosalind Franklin Institute team and applying their capabilities and expertise in cryo electron tomography as we work to characterise new targets in drug discovery.” 

For more information about this project, please contact

GB-NON-09864 | August 2024


Supporting Carers in Lung Cancer

August 2024

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How can we support individuals who are caring for their loved ones with lung cancer? 

In collaboration with the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation (RCLCF), MSD in the UK have developed a booklet specifically aimed at supporting and guiding individuals who are caring for their loved ones with lung cancer, often known as carers. A carer is someone who looks after a family member, partner, or friend that requires assistance and support during their lung cancer journey. The care they provide is unpaid and can involve practical or emotional support1

The booklet, How can I support my loved one with Lung Cancer?’, contains valuable insights from Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation’s patient and carer volunteers. These insights provide information that they found useful when they or their loved ones received their diagnosis. Offering prompts for questions to ask at different stages of diagnosis and treatment, important definitions, and information about available support for carers, the booklet aims to empower individuals to effectively advocate for the needs and concerns of their loved ones throughout their lung cancer journey.  

This booklet has been fully funded and developed by MSD, with input from Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Why carers?

According to research from the Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC), a worldwide organisation representing those with lung cancer, many individuals with lung cancer rely on their family and friends for support2. These carers often take on various responsibilities, such as offering emotional support, accompanying their loved ones to medical appointments, asking questions during appointments, and providing practical assistance at home. However, these carers may require additional information and support to effectively fulfill their caregiving role. 

At MSD in the UK, we put patients at the centre of everything we do and it’s critical that we understand, respect, and honour the experiences of patients and those supporting them. We encourage patient communities to become their own health advocates, make informed decisions and be partners in engaging with the health care systems. This booklet was designed to equip those caring for their loved one with the necessary information to support and advocate for them throughout their lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. 

Lorraine Dallas, the Director of Prevention, Information & Support at the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, emphasises the importance of this guide in helping individuals cope with their loved one’s lung cancer diagnosis.

“When someone you love is diagnosed with lung cancer, it can feel overwhelming. This guide helps, giving the key information that you need to prepare yourself and support someone living with lung cancer.”

Lorraine Dallas, Director of Prevention, Information & Support, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

MSD is a Trusted Information Creator accredited by the Patient Information Forum. The PIF TICK logo assures readers that MSD’s health information production process adheres to ten criteria, including meeting the genuine needs of individuals, involving end-users in resource creation, and considering health inequalities. 

We would love suggestions on how we could do better and things we should do more of. Email our Medical Information team at:

1 NHS England. Who is considered a carer? n.d.; Available from: [Accessed January 2025]

2 2021 Patient Experience Survey. Global Lung Cancer Coalition. 2021; Available from: [Accessed January 2025]

GB-NON-10717 | January 2025


MSD highlights progress on addressing health inequalities in cancer in England 

May 2024

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How can we learn from the work of Cancer Alliances in reducing health inequalities at a local level?

MSD in the UK have published the report, Driving health equity in cancer: Practical examples from Cancer Alliances, demonstrating the progress Cancer Alliances in England are making towards addressing health inequalities.

The publication, Driving health equity in cancer: Practical examples from Cancer Alliances, brings together a collection of case studies of local projects within Cancer Alliances across the country that aim to overcome the health inequalities in cancer care and outcomes in their area. It highlights practical steps that can be taken, such as working with organisations in the local community, to reach underserved or hard-to-reach populations – who are often more at risk of certain cancer types but don’t readily engage with the health system.

Bringing together practical examples in this way is intended to inspire cancer services and local communities to think differently about the opportunities available to support populations impacted by health inequalities by showcasing steps that can be taken to support them and extend and improve their lives.

The project was funded and led by MSD in the UK, working with Cancer Alliances to bring together case studies of the crucial work they have been undertaking over the course of many years.

We are grateful to NHS England National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme Directors and to Macmillan Cancer Support for their endorsement for this project – providing feedback and forewords for the publication:

Professor Peter Johnson, National Clinical Director for Cancer, and Professor Bola Owolabi, Director of the National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, said:

“The case studies in this report showcase the innovative and responsive ways in which we hoped that Cancer Alliances and other organisations would implement the Core20PLUS5 programme – in their local communities, shaping their work around the community’s specific needs. We have enjoyed hearing about these case studies throughout the project and hope they inspire others, as they have inspired us, to continue our life-saving and important work in addressing health inequalities in cancer across England.”

Claire Taylor MBE, Chief Nursing Officer, and Professor Richard Simcock, Chief Medical Officer, at Macmillan Cancer Support, said:

“Eliminating health inequalities is becoming an increasing priority in the UK as we continue to see widening variation in cancer outcomes. This report offers positive and practical ways to improve health equity with useful insights from others’ key learnings and also further resources you may wish to access.” 

Health inequalities have a direct impact on the risk of getting cancer, the speed with which someone is diagnosed, and their likelihood of surviving – MSD’s October 2022 report, Levelling up: what does it mean for the less survivable cancers in England?, analysed national data from some of the least survivable cancers and found that only 49% of people living in the most deprived quintile are diagnosed with cancer at an early stage (stage 1 or 2), compared to 58% of people from the least deprived quintile.1

It is vital that the Government and NHS continue to focus on tackling inequalities to achieve the early diagnosis and survival ambitions set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.2

Benson Fayehun, MSD UK Oncology Business Unit Head

“Addressing health inequalities is deeply personal to me and is one of the biggest barriers we face to improving the nation’s health. National commitments and leadership help set the tone and direction – but it is through learning from, and innovating with, communities on the ground that we see the action needed to bring about positive change and improve people’s lives.

We are delighted to have been able to bring together some of the fantastic and inspiring work that Cancer Alliances have undertaken in partnership with local charities and community organisations to overcome cultural, physical or logistical barriers to equal healthcare. By sharing these positive examples we hope to inspire others within the health system, local authorities, charities and community groups to think differently about their roles in addressing health inequalities and the opportunities that there are to support their local populations.”

Examples of the fantastic projects Cancer Alliances have been delivering, include:

  • The Alright Me Liver? campaign in Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon & Gloucestershire to improve early detection of liver cancer – one of the less survivable cancers – in deprived communities, who have an increased risk of death from liver cancer.3
  • This Van Can is a mobile health clinic targeting groups at higher risk of prostate cancer in Greater Manchester.
  • You Need to Know campaign in Northeast London to tackle low awareness of womb cancer, where incidence and mortality rates are higher in people of non-white ethnicities and from more deprived communities.4,5
  • Efforts in Southeast London to ensure patients with learning difficulties receive optimal care

[1] MSD, Levelling up: what does it mean for the less survivable cancers in England?, September 2022, job number: GB-NON-06239. Available:

[2] NHS England (2019). NHS long term plan: chapter three: cancer. Available:,least%20five%20years%20after%20diagnosis. Accessed April 2024

[3] Mayor of Bristol (2023). Alright my liver? Liver cancer awareness month. Available: Accessed JApril 2024.

[4] Cancer Research UK, Uterine cancer statistics. Available: Accessed April 2024.

[5] Cancer Research UK, Uterine cancer statistics,. Available: Accessed April 2024

GB-NON-09360 | May 2024


Bridging the gap between industry and academic research with Open Targets

April 2024

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MSD is pleased to be the latest partner to join the Open Targets Consortium, a public-private partnership that aims to tackle high attrition rates of potential new therapies in clinical trials, aiding MSD’s drug discovery efforts in London and globally. 

Research shows that clinical trials are more likely to succeed when the link between the disease and the drug target is supported by evidence from genetics and genomics studies.[1] By generating and interpreting the evidence that informs decision making in drug target discovery, the consortium helps bridge the gap between industry and academic research.

Joining other industry and research partners, MSD will support Open Targets to accelerate the development of safe and effective medicines by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to identify, prioritise, and validate potential drug targets.

MSD’s expertise in drug discovery, combined with the consortium’s comprehensive tool that optimises target validation, extensive research portfolio and cutting-edge informatics approaches to address all elements of human health and disease, enables a specific focus on immunology and inflammation, oncology, and neurodegeneration.

Founded in 2014, the partnership endeavours to share data, methods and knowledge generated by the consortium with the wider scientific community.

“We are pleased to join the Open Targets consortium and believe this unique public-private model will allow us to leverage large-scale genomics data along with advances in AI and machine learning, so we can better understand the underlying drivers of disease and enable more efficient target discovery,” said Iya Khalil, Vice President and Head of Data, AI and genome sciences, MSD Research Laboratories. “We look forward to working closely with our partners at Open Targets.”

  1. Ochoa et al. (2022) Human genetics evidence supports two-thirds of the 2021 FDA-approved drugs. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Rusina et al. (2023) Genetic support for FDA-approved drugs over the past decade. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

GB-NON-09349 | April 2024


MSD & the fight against Hepatitis C continues!

April 2024

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How are we partnering with the NHS to deliver hepatitis C elimination?

Building on the success of the initial 5 year programme, the world leading initiative to find, test and treat people at risk of hepatitis C has been extended for another 2 years.

MSD is proud to be part of the NHS Elimination programme which is a first of its kind programme, involving a close collaboration between NHS England, the Hepatitis C Trust, Operational Delivery Networks (ODNs), the pharmaceutical industry (Abbvie, Gilead and MSD), His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSE) and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

Chronic hepatitis C infection, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV), is thought to affect over 62,600 people in England.[1] Symptoms can take years to develop and as a result, many people are unaware that they are living with the virus. If left untreated, HCV can lead to serious health problems including cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), liver failure and liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC).[2] This not only places a heavy burden on the individual, but on the NHS and the economy.[3.4]

In 2016, the UK Government signed up to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Health Sector Strategy (GHSS) on Viral Hepatitis which commits participating countries to the elimination of HCV as a major public health threat by 2030. NHS England is working to surpass the WHO target through a number of initiatives including a unique and innovative partnership – The Hepatitis C Elimination Programme.[2]

In this unique 7 year programme, a series of ‘elimination initiatives’ are being provided by the NHS and industry, which aim to identify potential patients, test for infection and offer treatment to everyone who needs it. Working with 24 Operational Delivery Networks, which were set up across England to help manage hepatitis C services at a local level, MSD has supported elimination through four elimination initiatives:

Point of Care Testing (POCT): In partnership with Cepheid, we are rolling out Cepheid rapid HCV RNA testing equipment to prisons, community projects and outreach services. Delivering rapid finger-prick testing that delivers results in 1 hour.

Patient Search Identification (PSI): A case-finding tool which searches for coded HCV risk factors in patient records in primary care settings to identify potentially at-risk patients that should be reviewed and, if appropriate, tested.

Peer-to-Peer Support (P2P): Through partnership with the Hepatitis C Trust (THCT), we are providing a network of peer volunteers with lived experience of HCV to provide education, encouragement and support directly to patients throughout the treatment and care journey. Through this partnership, we are also working to develop a community-led model to reach out to south Asian communities. These communities have a higher prevalence of HCV infection than the general population, but have often been excluded from receiving culturally relevant information and interventions.

Community Liaison Officers (CLO): Community Liaison Officers work with the ODN clinical teams to align and coordinate hepatitis C services and provide outreach to patients attending clinics, as well as working in homeless hostels, night shelters and drug treatment centres.

To speak to a member of the team, please contact Elimination Programme Lead, Kuldip Sembhi at:  

1 UKHSA Hepatitis C in England 2023. Available at: Last accessed March 2024

2 UKHSA Hepatitis C in England 2022 Report: Working to eliminate hepatitis C as a public health problem Available at: Last Accessed March 2024

3 Singh J, Longworth L, Estimating The Cost Of Liver Transplantation In Patients Diagnosed With Chronic Hepatitis C And B In The UK, 2014. Available online via: Last accessed March 2024

4 Wright M, Grieve R, Roberts J, Main J, Thomas HC, Alexander G, et al., Health benefits of antiviral therapy for mild chronic hepatitis C: Randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation.  Health Technology Assessment.  2006:10

GB-NON-09120 | April 2024


Eliminating cervical cancer across the UK could save £2.6 billion, new research finds

January 2024

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The UK could save £2.6 billion by achieving the WHO global targets for cervical cancer by 2046, landmark new research reveals.

An estimated 3,200 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in the UK every year – nine women every day. 99.8% of cervical cancer cases in the UK are caused by HPV, which means that nearly every case of cervical cancer is preventable[i].

Under its global call to action towards elimination, the WHO has set a target incidence of 4 cases of cervical cancer per 100,000 women, to be achieved by countries ensuring that 90% of girls receive human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination by age 15, 70% of women access cervical screening aged 35 and 45, and 90% of women with pre-cancer and invasive cancer are appropriately treated and managed[ii]. According to the new report – undertaken by OHE and fully funded by MSD – the UK is anticipated to hit these targets by 2046, which would lead to a 23% reduction in the socioeconomic burden of cervical cancer between 2023 and 2046.

The new research comes soon after NHS England’s November announcement that it would be pursuing the elimination of cervical cancer by 2040, noting the potential to save thousands of lives [iii]. And the NHS Vaccination Strategy published in December puts England one step closer to elimination through a range of commitments to improve HPV vaccination coverage rates[iv].

But progress is not guaranteed and there is still a long road to elimination: the latest vaccine coverage data for the routine school-aged HPV immunisation programme in England for the 2022/23 academic year shows that whilst have been some gains, coverage is still behind that recorded pre-COVID-19 pandemic [v].

The report authors call on governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to follow England’s lead in pledging to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 – thereby accelerating the path to elimination across the UK and ensuring equality and consistency in the approach to elimination between the four nations.

To download a copy of the report, click here.

Ben Lucas, Managing Director, MSD UK & Ireland, who commissioned the research, said:

“At MSD, we are dedicated to inspiring country-wide action towards elimination by showcasing the success of areas already hitting WHO targets at the local and national levels. The OHE’s findings on the socioeconomic benefits of eliminating cervical cancer add even more impetus to the race to elimination, but we cannot forget the huge personal impact of this mission. The OHE rightly note the critical importance of overcoming existing inequalities in access to HPV vaccination and cervical screening if we are to make a success of elimination, and I am delighted to see the report set out recommendations on how elimination might work for every part of society.”

[i] Cancer Research UK, Cervical cancer statistics. Last accessed December 2023, available from:

[ii] World Health Organization, Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative. Last accessed December 2023, Available from:

[iii] NHS England, NHS sets ambition to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040, 15 November 2023. Last accessed December 2023, available from:

[iv] NHS England, NHS Vaccination Strategy, December 2023. Last accessed December 2023, available from:

[v] UK Health Security Agency, Official Statistics: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage in adolescents in England: 2022 to 2023. Last accessed January 2023, available from:

GB-NON-08825 | January 2024

Our People

MSD’s 3rd Hackathon: Unlocking health equity

November 2023

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Health equity is crucial to ensuring accessible and efficient healthcare. But how can the pharmaceutical and wider healthcare industry work towards combatting disparities?

The Health Equity hackathon, hosted by MSD’s LEAD network (League of Employees of African Descent) in collaboration with Eli Lilly’s embRACE, returned to bring its third annual hackathon to life.

With over 55 undergraduate students attending from a range of diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, the hackathon invited curious minds to ‘hack’ the problem of health equity, explore potential solutions, and network.

The two-day event provided students with valuable insight into the pharmaceutical industry, encouraging them to think of viable solutions to real-world issues that the pharmaceutical and wider healthcare industry are facing.

All teams had the opportunity to present their solutions to a panel of industry experts  on complex themes such as; addressing vaccine hesitancy, tackling obesity, and  diversifying clinical trials. Finalists were invited to present head-to-head in front of an audience of attendees. 

The winning team’s concept focused on how the pharmaceutical industry can support ethnic minority communities to reduce the prevalence of obesity. Their solution involved a detailed and descriptive 5 step programme called LEAN (Lifestyle, Exercise And Nutrition): To Lead A Better Life, which compromised of:

  1. Preliminary Stage
  2. Medication Management
  3. Counselling
  4. Education
  5. Lifestyle Scheme
  6. Review, Quantify and Adjust

It addressed the root causes of this health disparity, analysing the contributing factors that may lead to different health outcomes, debunked stereotypes, and also highlighted the importance of accountability and education; giving individuals the chance to make better informed decisions as well as seek mental health support.

Hackathon winner, Toni, reflected on the day, calling it “a whirlwind of research, collaboration and teamwork.”

MSD’s co-leads for LEAD, Jennifer Dominic and Tobi Adeyemi spoke about the day; “We are proud to celebrate the remarkable work of an incredibly talented group of individuals and firmly believe that representation is the cornerstone of progress, especially in improving health equity and access. Being part of such a significant initiative makes us even more proud.”

“The teams did a phenomenal job – this is the 3rd year running and the level at which students are thinking and executing continues to blow us away.”

As well as the event raising awareness of the importance of health equity, MSD is proud of the hackathon’s role in continuing to develop partnerships and contribute to forming a pipeline of diverse talent; by attending the hackathon, the participants and winning group will be accelerated through both MSD and Lilly’s early talent programme assessment stages.

Making room for imagination, diversity and inclusion allows us to excel and help foster a positive environment which invests in our future leaders, giving them space to make a change.

GB-NON-08516 | Date of Preparation: Nov 2023


Triple Negative Breast Cancer Matters

November 2023

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MSD, with advice and input from the UK Charity for TNBC, has launched the I count: Triple Negative Breast Cancer Matters campaign to ensure that people with Triple Negative Breast Cancer feel that they count and are being counted.

Whilst breast cancer remains the most common cancer in the UK for women[1] , survival has doubled in the last 50 years[2], exemplifying the advancements that can be made for patients. Despite this progress, there is more to do.

What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer?

Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer. It accounts for around 10-20% of new breast cancer diagnoses[3] and is responsible for 30-40% of all breast cancer deaths,3] according to international data. TNBC tumours generally spread faster than other types of breast cancer[3]. This type of breast cancer disproportionately affects women under the age of 40 and women who are black.[4] Due to the younger average age of those with TNBC, many are in the middle stages of their career and have caring responsibilities. A TNBC diagnosis can make a person feel like their world has come crashing down. [5]

“I was told that my life expectancy could be as little as 18 months… I remember just lying there all night, all these thoughts about kids going to university, seeing them graduate or get a job or find a partner or get married, you say, well… that’s no longer definitely my future anymore.”

– Becky Pernetta, a patient living with TNBC[5]

What are the experiences of people with Triple Negative Breast Cancer?

Despite the wide-ranging impacts of TNBC, there is very little published information that focuses on the experiences of people with TNBC in England. We know from speaking to patients, healthcare professionals and those working in the charity sector that many people with TNBC feel their voice is not being heard[6].

“We feel we’re a bit forgotten about because a lot of the focus has been on hormone positive cancers. When you’ve got triple negative breast cancer, there’s this sense that, well, what about us?”

–  Emma Evans, a patient living with TNBC

We also know that there is a significant data gap around Triple Negative Breast Cancer[7]. The recent data on TNBC published by the NHS[8] is neither routinely published nor consistent with the common estimate of TNBC prevalence[9]. The lack of accurate data and information on how many people are living with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in England, and the quality of care they receive, means that it is difficult to quantify the anecdotal experiences of people living with TNBC, so that their voices are not being heard by policymakers.

“The government have to be educated on triple negative breast cancer, to know the differences between that and other types of breast cancer.”

– Becky Pernetta

primary article image

How can the experiences of people with Triple Negative Breast Cancer be improved?

We have sought to give a platform to the TNBC community through the ‘I count’ campaign. We want to shine a spotlight on TNBC to ensure that people with TNBC feel they count and are being counted by the people and institutions with the power to shape cancer services in England.

The I count campaign sets out a number of recommendations which, if realised, will ensure patients are put first. Achieving this includes more accessible and holistic support, refining treatment pathways and closing the data gap. Ultimately, we want every person with TNBC and their family to receive the very best care and support for them.

You can learn more about the I count campaign and our call to action by downloading this infographic.

You can also hear Emma and Mirella’s tell their stories on our YouTube. To find out how you can support the campaign, please contact

This campaign was funded and developed by MSD, with advice and input from the UK Charity for TNBC.

[1] Cancer Research UK. Breast cancer statistics: breast cancer incidence (invasive).

[2] Cancer Research UK. Breast cancer statistics: breast cancer mortality.

[3] Manzano, A. et al. Improving the care of women with triple-negative breast cancer. The Swedish Institute for Health Economics (IHE). 2023

[4] UK Charity for TNBC. What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer and What Does It Mean For Me?

[5] MSD. TNBC patient testimonial film, 2023,

[6] MSD. Narrative Health, commissioned on MSD behalf, conducted interviews with patients on their TNBC support needs in 2023.

[7] National Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients. New national audits of primary breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer.

[8] NHS Digital. Breast cancer incidence (ICD-10 C50) by hormone receptor status. 2023.

[9] Cancer Research UK. Triple negative breast cancer.

GB-NON-08612 | November 2023

Our People

Behind the scenes: Navigating clinical trial operations

October 2023

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Ever wondered about the unseen heroes behind ensuring upholding patient safety in clinical trials?

Patient safety lies at the core of every healthcare organisation, and this holds particularly true for our Global Clinical Trials Operations team (GCTO). Their mission revolves around safeguarding patients during clinical trials, maintaining data accuracy, and serving as the vital link between hospitals and MSD. Often unsung, they play a pivotal role in ensuring seamless and safe clinical trials.

To gain a deeper insight into the dynamic realm clinical operations, we sat down with Noorie. A former work experience intern at MSD who has since flourished into a Clinical Research Associate, we delved deep into her professional journey which ultimately lead her to the heart of clinical operations

Interviewer: Noorie, let’s start at the beginning: could you share how your journey began at MSD, especially considering the impactful experience that motivated you?

Noorie: Well, it all began when I was 15 years old. My mum was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and it was absolutely devastating.

Witnessing the profound impact it had on her health was a real eye-opener, and around the same time I decided to go for a work experience at a pharmaceutical company. I was very blessed to be given that opportunity at MSD.

Interviewer: That’s a compelling start. Could you shed some light on your role within GCTO at MSD?

Noorie: Certainly, I’m an integral part of the global clinical trials operations team at MSD. We oversee and manage the operations involved in executing our company sponsored clinical trials.

Interviewer: What inspired you to work at MSD?

Noorie: So when I went to MSD, I got to talk to many different people in different departments. It gave me a big inspiration because I realized, wow, all these people are working to a common goal trying to cure different types of diseases. It’s actually the people who work at MSD that really inspire me. Everyone works together. We’re all working as a team and working with the NHS staff as well. They all know what is at stake. It’s like one big family.  

It’s actually the people who work at MSD that really inspire me… it’s like one big family

Interviewer: Your role involves bridging the gap between hospitals and the sponsor company. Could you elaborate on this vital aspect of your role?

Noorie: Yes of course! I work with a lot of NHS hospitals and that partnership is so key. Being the liaison between the hospital and the sponsor company ultimately has a huge impact on patients and the NHS as my role is ensuring sites compliance to study protocol as well as good clinical practice. Ultimately, it’s about upholding patient welfare and safety and ensuring the data is accurate for regulatory approval.  

Interviewer: Your workdays seem quite dynamic! Can you give us a glimpse of what your typical week looks like?

Noorie: I’m a Clinical Research Associate or CRA for short. I’m a field based CRA, which means I work around three days at different hospital and two days from home. At these hospitals I work closely with investigators and the team. When at home for the other two days, I’m catching up with admin.

Interviewer: What are the key things you look at when you go to the hospital?

Noorie: When I visit hospitals, my main focus is on data integrity. I’m making sure patient notes, prescriptions, and everything at the hospital matches what they’re entering onto the database. And without having that, we wouldn’t know if the clinical trial is running smoothly.

Interviewer: It’s clear you’re deeply involved with your work. What would you say is your favourite aspect of the role?

Noorie:  The highlight for me has been travelling across the UK and Ireland, engaging closely with research nurses, pharmacies, doctors, and the remarkable hospital teams. It’s an enriching part of the job.

Interviewer: And finally, if you had to capture your MSD experience in just three words, what would they be?

Noorie: Innovative, collaborative, and inclusive. It’s one of the main reasons that I continued working at MSD after I graduated from my Masters; it’s been eight years and I’m very happy here!

To learn more about our GCTO Early Talent roles and explore other positions, head to our jobs page

GB-NON-08144 | Date of Preparation: Sep 2023


MSD publishes key report into enablers and barriers to vaccine confidence

September 2023

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Gathering insights from communities in Liverpool to drive positive change

Building vaccine confidence at a time when vaccine hesitancy is on the rise, is one of the toughest health challenges we face globally. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy was listed as one of the top 10 threats to global health.1 Vaccines save millions of lives across the globe each year by protecting against serious illness and death2, and yet despite this, many people remain unvaccinated for various reasons.  This project sets out to better understand why this is the case.

To download a copy of the report, click here.

The why’s behind the research:

Global research highlights that coverage of influenza, pneumococcal and COVID-19 vaccination remains particularly low among older aged people from ethnically diverse communities,3 despite older age being a risk factor for serious illness from vaccine-preventable diseases. Whilst national and global catch-up programmes aim to recover from disruptions in vaccination coverage caused by the pandemic, there are still a lack of interventions to improve vaccine confidence within this age group.

Liverpool has one of the highest hesitancy rates in the UK for COVID-19 vaccination,4 and the most ethnically diverse population in Cheshire and Merseyside.5 Due to the ongoing low levels of vaccine confidence across the city, Liverpool was identified as the pilot location. Several successful vaccine confidence programmes have been implemented across Liverpool, so this project aimed to build on their work and drive further positive change for communities in need.

The first step to improving vaccine confidence in places like Liverpool is to understand the ‘whys’ that influence perceptions, decisions and behaviours surrounding vaccine coverage, so that’s where we started our journey.

Listening to and learning from people on the ground:

Since January 2023, MSD’s Public Health team has spoken to over 60 individuals who form part of the vast, integrated network of people involved in vaccine education and access across Liverpool. People from multiple backgrounds, faiths, professions, and beliefs who are committed to improving the health of local communities helped us better understand the barriers to vaccination and healthcare faced by ethnically diverse communities every day, as well as potential solutions to enable change.

By listening to different communities without judgement or bias, we have been reminded of the importance of nurturing community relationships and fostering an environment of collaboration and trust.  During our nine-month journey, not only did we learn a great deal about ethnically diverse communities in Liverpool and the network of health educators that serve them, but we also learnt that asking ‘why’ can be as important as asking ‘why not’ when exploring barriers and enablers to vaccination.

We invite you to join us in working towards building vaccine confidence and understanding the realities of different communities by reading the report here.

Within the report, we have identified ‘Change Makers’, which are activities, approaches and initiatives that we believe have the potential to positively influence existing or future health programmes. As we enter the next phase of this project, we will be using the 12 Change Makers identified to work with communities to develop material outputs that reflect the key recommendations we have observed.

We hope that sharing this report, it can serve as a starting point for learning about the ongoing efforts and tangible change we can make in the future to foster equitable and accessible healthcare, both in Liverpool and beyond.

For more information about this project, please contact


  1. World Health Organization. Ten threats to global health in 2019.
  2. World Health Organization. Vaccines and immunization.
  3. Bhanu C et al. UAR (2021) Vaccination uptake amongst older adults from minority ethnic backgrounds: A systematic review. PLoS Med 18(11): e1003826
  4. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 2022. Liverpool vaccine equity programme marks key milestone with celebratory learning day.
  5. Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership. 2020. Ethnicity Profiles in Cheshire and Merseyside.

GB-NON-08135 | September 2023