Our core business is the discovery and development of prescription medicines for diseases and conditions that impact millions of people.
Today, MSD has a range of prescription products in key therapeutic areas, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, oncology, vaccines and infectious diseases.
Please note that due to the Company spin off, former MSD products in women’s health, legacy brand and biosimilars have been transferred to Organon & Co.
ADEMPAS® 0.5mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 1mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 1.5mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 2mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 2.5mg Tablets
BRIDION® Solution for Injection
[sugammadex sodium]
CUBICIN® 350 mg Powder for Solution for Injection or Infusion
CUBICIN® 500 mg Powder for Solution for Injection or Infusion
DELSTRIGO® 100 mg/300 mg/245 mg Film-Coated Tablets
[doravirine/lamivudine/ tenofovir disoproxil fumarate]
EMEND® Capsules
EMEND® 125mg Powder for Oral Suspension
ESMERON® Solution for Injection
[rocuronium bromide]
GARDASIL® 9 Suspension for Injection
[Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine (Recombinant, adsorbed)]
5 micrograms, Suspension for Injection in Pre-filled Syringe
[Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)]
10 micrograms, Suspension for Injection in Pre-filled Syringe
[Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)]
40 micrograms, Suspension for Injection
[Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)]
INVANZ® Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
[ertapenem sodium]
ISENTRESS® 400mg Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 600mg Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 25mg Chewable Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 100mg Chewable Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 100mg Granules for Oral Suspension
[raltegravir potassium]
IVEMEND® Powder for Solution For Infusion
[fosaprepitant dimeglumine]
JANUMET® Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate,metformin hydrate]
JANUVIA® 25mg Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate]
JANUVIA® 50mg Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate]
JANUVIA® 100mg Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate]
KEYTRUDA® 25mg/mL Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
LAGEVRIO®▼ 200mg Hard Capsules
LYFNUA®▼ 45mg film-coated tablets
[gefapixant citrate]
Powder and Solvent for Suspension for Injection in Pre-filled Syringe
[Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (live)]
NOXAFIL® Oral Suspension
NOXAFIL® 100mg Gastro-resistant Tablets
NOXAFIL® 300mg Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
NOXAFIL® 300mg gastro-resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension
ONCOTICE® Powder for Instillation Fluid
[bacillus calmette-guerin]
PIFELTRO® 100 mg Film-Coated Tablets
[pneumococcal polyvalent vaccine]
PREVYMIS®▼ 240 mg film-coated tablets
PREVYMIS®▼ 240 mg concentrate for solution for infusion
RECARBRIO®▼ 500 mg/500 mg/250 mg powder for solution for infusion
[imipenem monohydrate, cilastatin sodium, relebactam monohydrate]
SIVEXTRO® 200mg film-coated Tablets
[tedizolid phosphate]
SIVEXTRO® 200mg Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
[tedizolid phosphate]
STEGLATRO®▼ 5 mg Film-Coated Tablets
STEGLATRO®▼ 15 mg Film-Coated Tablets
TEMODAL® Hard Capsules [temozolomide]
VAQTA® Adult, Suspension for Injection [Hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated, adsorbed For adults]
VAQTA® Paediatric, Suspension for Injection [Hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated, adsorbed For children and adolescents]
VARIVAX® Powder and Solvent for Suspension for Injection [Varicella Vaccine (live)]
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine (15-valent, adsorbed)
WELIREG®▼ 40 mg film-coated tablets [belzutifan]
ZEPATIER® 50mg/100mg film coated tablets [elbasvir/grazoprevir]
ZERBAXA® 1g/0.5g Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion [ceftolozane/tazobactam]
ZOSTAVAX® Powder and Solvent for Suspension for Injection [shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine (live)]
ADEMPAS® 0.5mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 1mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 1.5mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 2mg Tablets
ADEMPAS® 2.5mg Tablets
JANUMET® Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate,metformin hydrate]
JANUVIA® 25mg Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate]
JANUVIA® 50mg Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate]
JANUVIA® 100mg Tablets
[sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate]
STEGLATRO®▼ 5 mg Film-Coated Tablets
STEGLATRO®▼ 15 mg Film-Coated Tablets
CUBICIN® 350 mg Powder for Solution for Injection or Infusion
CUBICIN® 500 mg Powder for Solution for Injection or Infusion
DELSTRIGO® 100 mg/300 mg/245 mg Film-Coated Tablets
[doravirine/lamivudine/ tenofovir disoproxil fumarate]
INVANZ® Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
[ertapenem sodium]
ISENTRESS® 400mg Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 600mg Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 25mg Chewable Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 100mg Chewable Tablets
[raltegravir potassium]
ISENTRESS® 100mg Granules for Oral Suspension
[raltegravir potassium]
LAGEVRIO®▼ 200mg Hard Capsules
LYFNUA®▼ 45mg film-coated tablets
[gefapixant citrate]
NOXAFIL® Oral Suspension
NOXAFIL® 100mg Gastro-resistant Tablets
NOXAFIL® 300mg Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
NOXAFIL® 300mg gastro-resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension
PIFELTRO® 100 mg Film-Coated Tablets
PREVYMIS®▼ 240 mg film-coated tablets
PREVYMIS®▼ 240 mg concentrate for solution for infusion
RECARBRIO®▼ 500 mg/500 mg/250 mg powder for solution for infusion
[imipenem monohydrate, cilastatin sodium, relebactam monohydrate]
SIVEXTRO® 200mg film-coated tablets
[tedizolid phosphate]
SIVEXTRO® 200mg Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
[tedizolid phosphate]
ZEPATIER® 50mg/100mg film coated tablets
ZERBAXA® 1g/0.5g Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
BRIDION® Solution for Injection
[sugammadex sodium]
ESMERON® Solution for Injection
[rocuronium bromide]
EMEND® Capsules
EMEND® 125mg Powder for Oral Suspension
IVEMEND® Powder for Solution For Infusion
[fosaprepitant dimeglumine]
KEYTRUDA® 25mg/mL Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
ONCOTICE® Powder for Instillation Fluid
[bacillus calmette-guerin]
TEMODAL® Hard Capsules
WELIREG®▼ 40 mg film-coated tablets
GARDASIL® 9 Suspension for Injection [Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine (Recombinant, adsorbed)]
HBVAXPRO® 5 micrograms, Suspension for Injection in Pre-filled Syringe [Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)]
HBVAXPRO® 10 micrograms, Suspension for Injection in Pre-filled Syringe [Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)]
HBVAXPRO® 40 micrograms, Suspension for Injection [Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)]
M-M-RVAXPRO® Powder and Solvent for Suspension for Injection in Pre-filled Syringe [Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (live)]
PNEUMOVAX® 23 [pneumococcal polyvalent vaccine]
VAQTA® Adult, Suspension for Injection [Hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated, adsorbed For adults]
VAQTA® Paediatric, Suspension for Injection [Hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated, adsorbed For children and adolescents]
VARIVAX® Powder and Solvent for Suspension for Injection [Varicella Vaccine (live)]
VAXNEUVANCE®▼ Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine (15-valent, adsorbed)
ZOSTAVAX® Powder and Solvent for Suspension for Injection [shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine (live)]

Counterfeit medicines are a serious issue facing patients, health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.
Counterfeit medicines are made by someone other than the original manufacturer and whilst some counterfeit medicines may have the correct active ingredient, some are dangerous as they may:
Be contaminated
Contain no active ingredient
Have been made in extremely unsanitary conditions
Include too much or too little of the active ingredient
Undermine the patients’ confidence in taking medicines
Contain harmful or poisonous ingredients
MSD takes the safety of patients extremely seriously and is working with governments and customs authorities around the world to help control the problems caused by counterfeit medicines.
For more information about counterfeit medicines please visit mhra.gov.uk
The EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) came into force on 9th February 2019 and introduces measures to avoid falsified medicines being dispensed to patients. Measures include an anti-tamper device and a 2D matrix bar code which can be scanned to verify authenticity of medicine at key points in the supply chain, including right before dispensing to patients. This is a welcome step in the fight against counterfeit medicines. At MSD, our priority has always been and will continue to be, the safety of the patients which we serve. The new end-to-end verification system is there to ensure product integrity and authenticity of medicines given to patients.
For scientific or medical enquiries about MSD products and all Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) alerts please visit our contacts page.

For information on supply of our pharmaceutical and vaccines products
We are committed to acting responsibly in the interests of patients. Ensuring continuity of supply of medicines and vaccines for patients is MSD’s highest priority. As a result of the UK leaving the EU, we have worked to meet the new regulations and trading rules in place to ensure continuity of supply of our products.
This page is intended for use by UK healthcare professionals only. Trademarks appearing on this website are owned, licensed to, promoted or distributed by Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA, its subsidiaries or affiliates, except as noted.
Job code: GB-NON-10816 | Date of Preparation: January 2025