
MSD publishes key report into enablers and barriers to vaccine confidence

September 2023

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Gathering insights from communities in Liverpool to drive positive change

Building vaccine confidence at a time when vaccine hesitancy is on the rise, is one of the toughest health challenges we face globally. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy was listed as one of the top 10 threats to global health.1 Vaccines save millions of lives across the globe each year by protecting against serious illness and death2, and yet despite this, many people remain unvaccinated for various reasons.  This project sets out to better understand why this is the case.

To download a copy of the report, click here.

The why’s behind the research:

Global research highlights that coverage of influenza, pneumococcal and COVID-19 vaccination remains particularly low among older aged people from ethnically diverse communities,3 despite older age being a risk factor for serious illness from vaccine-preventable diseases. Whilst national and global catch-up programmes aim to recover from disruptions in vaccination coverage caused by the pandemic, there are still a lack of interventions to improve vaccine confidence within this age group.

Liverpool has one of the highest hesitancy rates in the UK for COVID-19 vaccination,4 and the most ethnically diverse population in Cheshire and Merseyside.5 Due to the ongoing low levels of vaccine confidence across the city, Liverpool was identified as the pilot location. Several successful vaccine confidence programmes have been implemented across Liverpool, so this project aimed to build on their work and drive further positive change for communities in need.

The first step to improving vaccine confidence in places like Liverpool is to understand the ‘whys’ that influence perceptions, decisions and behaviours surrounding vaccine coverage, so that’s where we started our journey.

Listening to and learning from people on the ground:

Since January 2023, MSD’s Public Health team has spoken to over 60 individuals who form part of the vast, integrated network of people involved in vaccine education and access across Liverpool. People from multiple backgrounds, faiths, professions, and beliefs who are committed to improving the health of local communities helped us better understand the barriers to vaccination and healthcare faced by ethnically diverse communities every day, as well as potential solutions to enable change.

By listening to different communities without judgement or bias, we have been reminded of the importance of nurturing community relationships and fostering an environment of collaboration and trust.  During our nine-month journey, not only did we learn a great deal about ethnically diverse communities in Liverpool and the network of health educators that serve them, but we also learnt that asking ‘why’ can be as important as asking ‘why not’ when exploring barriers and enablers to vaccination.

We invite you to join us in working towards building vaccine confidence and understanding the realities of different communities by reading the report here.

Within the report, we have identified ‘Change Makers’, which are activities, approaches and initiatives that we believe have the potential to positively influence existing or future health programmes. As we enter the next phase of this project, we will be using the 12 Change Makers identified to work with communities to develop material outputs that reflect the key recommendations we have observed.

We hope that sharing this report, it can serve as a starting point for learning about the ongoing efforts and tangible change we can make in the future to foster equitable and accessible healthcare, both in Liverpool and beyond.

For more information about this project, please contact


  1. World Health Organization. Ten threats to global health in 2019.
  2. World Health Organization. Vaccines and immunization.
  3. Bhanu C et al. UAR (2021) Vaccination uptake amongst older adults from minority ethnic backgrounds: A systematic review. PLoS Med 18(11): e1003826
  4. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 2022. Liverpool vaccine equity programme marks key milestone with celebratory learning day.
  5. Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership. 2020. Ethnicity Profiles in Cheshire and Merseyside.

GB-NON-08135 | September 2023

Our People

Inspired Through Volunteering

September 2023

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From gardening at the Macmillan Horizon Centre in Brighton to volunteering at the British Transplant Games in Coventry, individuals and teams across MSD reach out to support charities and not-for profit organisations. We asked what inspired them…

Team Gardening

The Corporate Affairs Team took the opportunity to give back when they undertook a half day of gardening at the Macmillan Horizon Centre in Brighton – a place where the Centre’s patients and families spend time enjoying the allotment’s sea views, vegetable garden and flowers.

“We saw a huge change in the allotment in just one morning and knowing that the Horizon Centre’s patients and families can now enjoy the refreshed allotment for the whole summer is inspiring. We were incredibly lucky with the weather on the day. In total we volunteered for 66 hours in just one morning, that’s over two weeks of full-time work for one gardener!”

When it Comes to Animals

Members of Animal Health’s Equine Team found the perfect place to provide a helping hand. The team utilised their hours volunteering at the World Horse Welfare , the largest centre of its kind in the UK. Starting off with a tour of the facility learning about the rehabilitation and re-homing process for the horses, their day was then spent weeding, cleaning and re- filling water troughs – there are 120 horses onsite!

“Volunteering at World Horse Welfare was a great opportunity for our team to continue to build our strong team culture whilst supporting the equine industry. The day helped us get closer to them as a charity, whose equine health and welfare work share many of the values we do at MSD.”

Going for Gold

Having undergone a kidney transplant two years ago, one of our employees joined the Transplant Sport Northern Ireland (TSNI) charity during his recovery. This year, he helped to raise awareness and promote the life-saving impact of organ transplants by leading the NI team at the British Transplant Games in Coventry.  He helped organize logistics and training to take a group of transplanted patients of all ages to Coventry to compete in the Games, as well as taking the chance to compete in the swimming.

“The Games’ main aim is to encourage patients to regain fitness after their transplant and help persuade more people to join the UK donor register. To celebrate the gift of transplant through sport was fantastic. It is also a great way to showcase how organ donation can be truly lifesaving. The Transplant Sport Northern Ireland Team came away with 13 Gold, 9 Silver and 8 Bronze medals this year alongside a lot of great memories.”

Clearing the Environment

The Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacovigilance teams wanted to find a volunteering opportunity to both support the community’s well being and do something good for the environment. What better way than doing some litter picking at Burgess Park with Southwark Council!

“Parks have a positive impact on people’s mental health (as we saw especially during the pandemic) so creating this clearer environment allowed us to give back to a local community which does not have the resources to focus on litter pollution. Preventing dangerous items polluting natural habitats also protects and enhances biodiversity in the park.”

MSD encourages all employees to volunteer in the community granting 40 hours paid leave each year. Hundreds of hours are racked up giving back in varied roles, and so many stories are shared of how truly inspiring they find the experience.

GB-NON-08076 | September 2023

Our People

Visibility and Allyship – Pride 2023

August 2023

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In a vibrant display of solidarity, 70 MSD colleagues took centre stage at this years Pride March in London, standing (and dancing) proudly alongside the LGBTQ+ community.

For the third consecutive year, MSD UK’s Rainbow Alliance, alongside 70 employees and friends donned rainbow flags and glitter to march in the parade – this time bigger than ever before with our own MSD float!

At MSD, our LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies are represented by the Rainbow Alliance who are committed to being advocates of the community by catalysing change and empowering everyone to be themselves, always. The network is also committed to developing LGBTQ+ talent within the organisation and ensuring equity of opportunity for career development alongside celebrating the rich and diverse culture of MSD through visibility and allyship, creating a community for everyone to be proud of.

A big part of this celebration within the LGBTQ+ community is centred annually on Pride Month – an event marked by the Rainbow Alliance by marching in the parade at Pride in London.  

“I could not be more proud to have led the planning for our entry in the Pride in London parade this year for MSD in the UK. It’s really important to me, as an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, to be empowered to bring our MSD DE&I values to life through events like Pride in London. It demonstrates that we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk (literally!).”

Beth Byrne (She / Her)

“I am proud to be open about my HIV status because it creates a more inclusive and compassionate workplace where everyone feels supported and valued. I am committed to advocate for the LBGTQ+ people at MSD and in the community to champion their rights, equality, and well-being.”

Vittorio (He / Him)

Celebrated annually, Pride Month is a celebration but is also an important time to bring the continued movement for equality and equity in the LGBTQ+ community to the forefront of the public consciousness and onto the agenda of policymakers. Now that Pride Month is over for 2023, the Rainbow Alliance is looking forward to the next six months of the year – galvanised by the joyful and uplifting energy from marching at Pride in London, they will continue working to fulfil their commitment to ongoing visibility and action for change.

GB-NON-07850 | Aug 2023

Our People

Continuing to make mental health our priority 

August 2023

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As we strengthen our efforts to make employee wellbeing our priority, we came together to have an open and honest conversation about mental health in the workplace. 

Alongside a dedicated volunteer team of trained Mental Health First Aiders, Early Talent Mental Health programme, and MSD’s Wellbeing Employee Business Resource Group (EBRG) – we’re constantly evolving and growing our resources and lifestyle benefits to ensure everyone is supported to bring their full and best selves to work.   

From hosting burnout prevention masterclasses to menopause awareness surveys and early talent resources, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the way we work. 

Puppy therapy at our London Moorgate offices

To recognise and raise awareness for mental health, colleagues were invited for some much-needed puppy therapy.  

Organised by the MSD Wellbeing EBRG and team, we were visited by the team and puppies from Paws in Work for a memorable, one-of-a-kind experience.  

The feedback from our employees was overwhelmingly positive, with people leaving the sessions feeling refreshed, revitalised, and with smiles on their faces. 

We are committed to continuing this amazing work throughout the year and co-creating opportunities where everyone can feel heard and welcome. 

GB-NON-07693 | Date of Preparation: June 2023 


Celebrating 5 years of our UK Discovery Centre

August 2023

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We are delighted to be celebrating five years of our leading-edge UK Discovery Centre! 

Achieving an incredible milestone, the team celebrated the Centre’s growth and success to date, hearing from Ben Lucas, our Managing Director for MSD in the UK, Jill Richardson, Executive Director of Discovery Research, as well as spotlighting many teams, leaders, and their work. 

To date, MSD have invested over £1 billion into our world-leading discovery centre and headquarters, to help us achieve our mission of saving and improving lives across the UK and beyond.  

Artist impression of future new Discovery Centre and Headquarters building in London

[Photo: Artist impression of future new Discovery Centre and Headquarters in London]

Celebrations at our London Moorgate offices 

The full day of celebrations and team-building workshops were an important opportunity for the Medical and Research Laboratories wider team to come together, share their successes and learnings, as well as look to what’s coming next. 

Already, our scientists are working to drive medical advances against diseases affecting our ageing population, such as Alzheimer’s. 

Featuring a variety of talks and presentations on the potentially life-changing projects currently underway, from AI applications in chemistry to 3D printing and pharmacology, the atmosphere was wonderfully joyous and welcoming. 

Investing in our talent 

Ensuring we create an open, inclusive, and diverse environment in which everyone feels supported is at the heart of our mission to save and improves lives across the UK and beyond.  

By supporting the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) as a founding member of the BNA Scholarship Programme, we welcomed this year’s cohort to our offices to invite knowledge-sharing and collaboration.  Read more about our work with the BNA Scholars Program here

Looking to the future, we are committed to continued investment into science and discovery. 

GB-NON-07692 | Date of Preparation: June 2023 



MSD welcome British Neuroscience Scholars to the London Discovery Centre

August 2023

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We were delighted to welcome scholars from the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) to our London discovery offices as part of MSD’s ongoing support for the BNA Scholarship Programme.

MSD continues to be a proud founding industry member and supporter of the scheme, which aims to drive improvements in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) across neuroscience.

Our MRL leadership team were pleased to host the cohort at our London Discovery offices for an exciting day of interactive company and career discussions, as well as insights into MSD’s latest scientific research and laboratory tours.

MSD’s involvement in the BNA Scholarship Programme constitutes an important part of our continued commitment to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) within the company and in the wider scientific community.

“We’re delighted to collaborate with the BNA to provide our support and funding for this valuable programme.

Improving equality, diversity, and inclusion in the field of neuroscience research is something that we as an organisation feel passionate about – it speaks to our values, both as an employer and as a research-led organisation, with a significant focus on neuroscience.

A culture of equality, diversity and inclusion allows innovation to thrive and fuels the breakthroughs we strive for.”

Dr Jill Richardson, Executive Director of Discovery Research for MSD in the UK

Rana, BNA Scholar on why ED&I in neuroscience is important

bringing together different backgrounds and approaches can have more of an impact in neuroscience. I also think it’s important to represent these different backgrounds and people because it’s important for younger generations to see role models that they can relate to.

Lamia, BNA scholar on the MSD visit day:

I loved how MSD presented the career profiles. I’ve been to a lot of external programmes and have found the sessions about career progression can be quite vague. Starting with a placement student and showing how your employees came into the science and research field, all the way through to the senior ranks. It was really inspiring! The tips from the CV clinic were very helpful too.”

On behalf of the MSD team, we would like to thank all the BNA Scholarship students and for an exceptional event.

We look forward to following this cohort’s success as they progress through the programme!

Join our Talent Community here

GB-NON-07640 | Date of Preparation: June 2023


Building healthcare resilience for better, more equitable health  

August 2023

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The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of investing in healthcare resilience and shone a spotlight on how major health events exacerbate existing inequalities, disrupt essential services, and create new barriers to accessing healthcare.  

Given the immediate challenges faced by health and care systems, notably the major workforce challenges and clearing the elective care backlog, we are naturally focused on finding solutions to immediate problems. However, is imperative that resources dedicated to long-term challenges are protected and that we invest in a sustainable and agile healthcare system that can meet the complex and changing needs of an ageing society.  

Indeed, the recently published Hewitt Review of integrated care systems highlights the need to invest in prevention, population health management, and tackling health inequalities to promote health and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy. The problem is well observed, but meaningful and sustained solutions driven by Integrated Care Systems have the power to make real change. 

That said, no one organisation or institution has the knowledge or resources to resolve health challenges alone. Collaboration between the NHS, third sector, academia, government bodies, and industry will be essential to driving progress to improve healthcare resilience. So, in March, MSD sponsored a roundtable at the Nuffield Trust Summit that brought together health and care leaders to explore how, at a time of constrained public expenditure and health backlogs, health systems are working together to build healthcare resilience and prepare for future health challenges. 

The discussion covered a diverse range of examples and recommendations, from placing inclusion at the heart of prevention approaches to empowering the healthcare workforce to make decisions at a local level with support from the centre where needed, to ensuring psychological safety in the health and care workforce – required to underpin progress. 

At MSD, we recognise that we have an important role to play to support the healthcare resilience agenda: 

We are investing in public health

Vaccines are one of the greatest public health success stories in history. MSD is the largest supplier of vaccines to the UK national immunisation programmes, helping to protect the public from infancy to adulthood. Through a number of activities, we are committed to partnering with the local and national health system to strengthen the UK’s response across vaccine-preventable diseases, by reducing inequalities in access to immunisation systems. To support the UK’s HPV elimination effort, we have invested in the development of a digital mapping tool to compare rates of cervical cancer, vaccination coverage rates, screening uptake, and different population characteristics, e.g. deprivation levels and ethnicity, across England. Working with the agency and the platform that developed a similar tool to aid the NHS roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, our tool gives a granular insight into how close or far localities are from achieving the critical pre-requisites for the elimination of cervical cancer, whilst also uncovering the extent of variation across the country. 

We are focusing on future health challenges

As a founding industry member, MSD is supporting Our Future Health, the UK’s largest-ever health research programme, which aims to transform the detection, prevention, and treatment of a wide range of diseases. Our Future Health aims to recruit five million adult volunteers, from all backgrounds, to participate in the research programme. By joining the voluntary research programme, people will be able to contribute to the most comprehensive picture of health ever captured in the UK.  

We are targeting our actions for better, more equitable health

We work collaboratively with the NHS across the UK to improve cancer patients’ outcomes. Through numerous activities, we work together to improve patients and the public’s awareness of cancer signs and symptoms, to understand and improve cancer pathways, and to improve treatment uptake. Last year we produced a report working with the Less Survivable Cancer Taskforce titled ‘Levelling up: what does it mean for cancer in England?  on the disparity in outcomes for these cancers, particularly in lower socio-economic groups. This year we’re seeking to build on this work by developing a toolkit in collaboration with cancer alliances and charity partners to support alliances in the Core20plus5 ambitions to build on, and complement, the excellent materials already produced by NHS England. Additionally, the 2023 MSD Grants Programme is available for Patient Advocacy Groups and healthcare organisations looking to address health inequalities and support the elimination of public health threats in the HIV, cancer and vaccines therapy areas. This programme will provide funding for projects designed to inform and empower patients, address health inequalities, and deliver improvements in patient outcomes and experience in the UK. 

Strengthening healthcare resilience will require health and care leaders and policymakers to balance efficiency with long-term healthcare resilience, prioritise prevention and health equity, and learn from the successes and failures of the pandemic response to help inform approaches to future health challenges. At a time when political manifestos are being drawn up, we need to make sure there is a shared vision for delivering improved whole population health and health system resilience

GB-NON-07481 | Date of Preparation: May 2023


World Health Day 2023

August 2023

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World Heath Day inspires us to tackle the health challenges of today and tomorrow, focusing on #HealthForAll. After 75 years, the World Health Organisation has created a true and enduring legacy worldwide, championing health and supporting a better future for all.

That’s why here in the UK, we are committed to actions, not words.

Engaging in 32 active partnerships with the NHS, we want to support patients, communities, and the wider healthcare system to achieve better, more equitable health.

We’re committed to continuing our long history of putting patients first. Here are some examples of how we are making a meaningful impact:


MSD is the largest supplier of vaccines to the UK national immunisation programmes, helping to protect the public across the life course, from infancy to adulthood.

We are committed to partnering with the local and national health system to strengthen the UK’s response across vaccine-preventable diseases.


The MSD Grants Programme is open to healthcare organisations looking to address health inequalities and supporting the elimination of public health threats in the HIV, cancer, and vaccines therapy areas.

Read more about our 2023 MSD Grants Programme here.


We work collaboratively with the NHS across the UK to improve cancer patients’ outcomes.

Through numerous activities, we work together to improve patients’ and the public’s awareness of cancer signs and symptoms, to understand and to improve cancer pathways and to improve treatment uptake.

Learn about our partnerships here.

Our colleagues across the globe embrace the spirit of invention and are united behind our purpose to save and improve the lives of people and animals, whether creating medicines to address the world’s most urgent health challenges, advancing animal health, or developing healthcare solutions that make a real differenc­e to lives across the globe.

We focus our efforts on prevention, treatment and are committed to support food and environmental security to safeguard health. Through inclusive scientific research, enabling access to ground-breaking treatments and effective partnerships with the health system, we can cultivate a more equitable healthcare landscape that is equipped to make a real difference to patients’ lives and ultimately, improve health outcomes.

To make health for all a reality across the world, we need: individuals and communities with access to high quality health services so that they can take care of their own health and that of their families; skilled health workers providing quality, people-centred care; and policymakers committed to investing in universal health coverage.

Action is needed to keep humans and the planet healthy; how can you do your bit to keep the planet healthy and ensure better more equitable health?

GB-NON-07329 | Date of Preparation: April 2023

Our People

Smashing Stereotypes for British Science Week 2023

March 2023

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The annual Smashing Stereotypes campaign is run by the British Science Association (BSA) during British Science Week, encouraging STEM employees and researchers to share stories about their day-to-day work. The BSA wants to showcase the diversity of the STEM workforce, the broad range of jobs and careers available, and that science can be for anyone. 

With short films, interviews, and behind-the-scenes photography, the Smashing Stereotypes campaign profiled 5 MSD employees working across MRL, human and animal health, showcasing how they are smashing stereotypes in their roles as they work to save and improve lives. 

By identifying and showcasing diverse role models, we can play our part in helping to break down misconceptions and barriers about who can be a scientist, and what they do 

 Check out our MSD colleagues’ profiles below to find out how they are Smashing Stereotypes!   

MSD has provided partial funding towards the Smashing Stereotypes 2023 campaign

Viola Ntim

After studying pharmacy at the University of East Anglia, Viola completed her Masters degree in International Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

At MSD she works as a health technology assessment and outcomes research (HTA&OR) manager, helping to decide whether new medicines are cost-effective through developing and designing models.

‘There’s a stereotype about careers in science or health that you have to work in a lab or hospital. In fact, there are plenty of office-based jobs in the medical field in which you can still have a huge impact on patients. As a Black woman, I am also an example that ethnic minorities can work in science.’

Read Viola’s full profile

Maya Hanspal

After a degree in medical neuroscience from the University of Sussex and a PhD in Chemistry at Cambridge, Maya joined MSD as a cell biologist.

Maya is based in the company’s London Bioscience Innovation centre in Kings Cross, investigating neurodegenerative diseases of ageing.

‘People often think that scientists must be incredibly analytical and mathematically minded. These skills are important, but I think creativity and thinking outside of the box are just as valuable. Science is all about problem-solving after all!

Read Maya’s full profile

Thomas Loseby-Taylor

Tom started working with animals at just 13. His first job was as a kennel assistant at a local veterinary hospital – a role he continued throughout school. At university, he studied Animal Welfare and Veterinary Science before becoming a veterinary nurse.

He is now Senior Pharmacovigilance Officer where he is also Rainbow Alliance Lead for Animal Health.

The stereotypical view of science, I think, is that it’s boring and predictable. My experience is the complete opposite: Yes, the fundamentals of science are chemistry, physics, and biology, but what’s possible is almost limitless.’

Read Thomas’ full profile

Jessica Jackson

Jessica grew up swimming competitively and competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Australia as part of Team England.

She studied Biomedical Science at Plymouth University and during her time there was accepted as a Medical Affairs Associate at MSD as a student industry placement.

Jessica now works at MSD in the Medical Innovation team in Medical Affairs.

During my degree, I did a student industry placement at MSD. Initially, I felt like an imposter, but thanks to the support and mentorship I got at MSD, I returned to university with renewed purpose, completed my degree, and then went on to study for a part time Master’s degree at the University of Oxford – something I never thought would be possible for me.

Read Jessica’s full profile

Kuldip Sembhi

Kuldip started her working life as a junior lab technician in the NHS before becoming a clinical research technician. After starting a family, she switched careers in her thirties, taking a job in project management at MSD

She is now National Strategic Partnerships Programme Manager, heading up the company’s effort to eliminate Hepatitis C in England.

As a daughter of first-generation immigrants from India that came to the UK in the 1960s, I had been guided by my parents to follow a career in teaching so that it would be easier for me to take time off in the holidays when I had children. But following my father’s death, I started reading about cancer and the science behind how cells multiplied. It fascinated and inspired me.

Read Kuldip’s full profile

primary article image

To learn more about the Smashing Stereotypes campaign, visit British Science Week’s website

GB-NON-07934 | August 2023


MSD Signs Agreement for New Laboratory Space at The Francis Crick Institute

August 2023

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New lab will provide interim space for MSD’s expanding interdisciplinary team of London-based discovery scientists

  • MSD signs a 3-year agreement to occupy new laboratory
  • 1098m2 laboratory to open at the Francis Crick in 2024
  • This represents the latest phase of preparation for MSD’s UK Discovery Centre and HQ

Construction of “Skylab”, a new laboratory space to be built on the roof of The Francis Crick Institute, is due to be completed in 2024.

MSD has a rapidly growing interdisciplinary team of discovery scientists in London with expertise spanning biology, chemistry and pharmacology.  The new laboratory space allows for further expansion of the MSD discovery team, with capacity for an additional 50 personnel.

This is the latest phase of preparation for the opening of MSD’s new UK Discovery Centre and Headquarters to be strategically located in the Kings Cross area, at the heart of London’s Knowledge quarter. The new facility is due to be completed in 2027.

During a recent visit to The Crick, Dr. Dean Y. Li, President of MSD Research Labs, commented:

“Our talented team of London based scientists is an important and growing part of our discovery network. We are pleased to collaborate with the Francis Crick Institute which provides an active and vibrant setting for life science research.”

The MSD London discovery teams, currently located at The Francis Crick Institute and The London BioScience Innovation Centre (LBIC), have ongoing collaborations with several leading UK institutions, including a Framework Collaboration, jointly funded with the Crick.  In addition to many other bespoke academic collaborations within the U.K. and Europe, MSD is a member of several major human health and disease-specific consortia in human health and disease.

Sir Paul Nurse, Director of The Francis Crick Institute, commented:

“We’re delighted to welcome an expanded team of scientists from MSD to work in the Skylab here at the Crick. It is vital that we harness our discoveries in fundamental biology for the benefit of society.  Our partnership with MSD helps this to be done and this development signals the Crick’s commitment to working as partners in London in the longer term.”   

GB-NON-07174 | Date of Preparation: March 2023