How can we support individuals who are caring for their loved ones with lung cancer?
In collaboration with the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation (RCLCF), MSD in the UK have developed a booklet specifically aimed at supporting and guiding individuals who are caring for their loved ones with lung cancer, often known as carers. A carer is someone who looks after a family member, partner, or friend that requires assistance and support during their lung cancer journey. The care they provide is unpaid and can involve practical or emotional support1.
The booklet, ‘How can I support my loved one with Lung Cancer?’, contains valuable insights from Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation’s patient and carer volunteers. These insights provide information that they found useful when they or their loved ones received their diagnosis. Offering prompts for questions to ask at different stages of diagnosis and treatment, important definitions, and information about available support for carers, the booklet aims to empower individuals to effectively advocate for the needs and concerns of their loved ones throughout their lung cancer journey.
This booklet has been fully funded and developed by MSD, with input from Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Why carers?
According to research from the Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC), a worldwide organisation representing those with lung cancer, many individuals with lung cancer rely on their family and friends for support2. These carers often take on various responsibilities, such as offering emotional support, accompanying their loved ones to medical appointments, asking questions during appointments, and providing practical assistance at home. However, these carers may require additional information and support to effectively fulfill their caregiving role.
At MSD in the UK, we put patients at the centre of everything we do and it’s critical that we understand, respect, and honour the experiences of patients and those supporting them. We encourage patient communities to become their own health advocates, make informed decisions and be partners in engaging with the health care systems. This booklet was designed to equip those caring for their loved one with the necessary information to support and advocate for them throughout their lung cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Lorraine Dallas, the Director of Prevention, Information & Support at the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, emphasises the importance of this guide in helping individuals cope with their loved one’s lung cancer diagnosis.

“When someone you love is diagnosed with lung cancer, it can feel overwhelming. This guide helps, giving the key information that you need to prepare yourself and support someone living with lung cancer.”
Lorraine Dallas, Director of Prevention, Information & Support, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
MSD is a Trusted Information Creator accredited by the Patient Information Forum. The PIF TICK logo assures readers that MSD’s health information production process adheres to ten criteria, including meeting the genuine needs of individuals, involving end-users in resource creation, and considering health inequalities.
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1 NHS England. Who is considered a carer? n.d.; Available from: [Accessed January 2025]
2 2021 Patient Experience Survey. Global Lung Cancer Coalition. 2021; Available from: [Accessed January 2025]
GB-NON-10717 | January 2025